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Submit Patch for webOS-Patches
(*) = Required
Title: (*)
Note: Do not use category name, personalizations (your name, username,
company name, tagline, etc), webOS Version. Be short and sweet. Limit 45
characters. Numbers, Letters, apostrophes or spaces only.
Description: (*)
Patch File: (*)
Category: (*)
Screenshot 1:
Note: Screenshots should be 320x480. They should not contain any other
modifications in the picture as this can be misleading and cause confusion.
Screenshot 2:
Note: Screenshots should be 320x480. They should not contain any other
modifications in the picture as this can be misleading and cause confusion.
Screenshot 3:
Note: Screenshots should be 320x480. They should not contain any other
modifications in the picture as this can be misleading and cause confusion.
Compatible webOS Version(s): (*)   1.4.0
Maintainer: (*)
Note: Use your PreCentral.net or webOS-Internals.org username if you do not
want to give your real name. This information is published in the package's
meta-data. It will be viewable by the public.
Email: (*)    Keep Private?
Note: This information is published in the package's meta-data if the above box is not checked. It will be
viewable by the public. Remember you, as the developer of the patch, are
responsible for support. Giving your email makes it easier for a user to
request support.
Important:This is the email address that will be used by the admins to
contact you when the patch is approved or denied, or if there are any issues.
Patch Homepage:
Note: This information is published in the package's meta-data. It will be
viewable by the public. Remember you, as the developer of the patch, are
responisble for support. Giving a URL to the patch's thread on PreCentral.net
or wiki page on webOS-Internals.org makes it easier for a user to request support.
Note to Admins:
Note: This will not be published. It is simply a note to the Admins.

By submitting this form, you, the submitter, explicitly agree you are either the original author of the patch or have the right to submit the patch under the MIT Open Source License. Further, you agree the patch will be licensed under the MIT Open Source License. This is to allow Palm to use the patch as-is to incorporate them into future webOS releases. Information regarding this license can be found at: http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/MIT_Open_Source_License_-_webOS-Patches